School of Business and Human Resource management: Recent submissions
Now showing items 81-100 of 110
Commercial Bank Diversification:
(International Journal of Research in Management & Business Studies, 2015-01-01)Abstract The banking industry in the entire world has experienced tremendous diversification levels spurred by the sector liberalization and deregulation in the last two decades. This is especially so because of the ... -
The Effect of Supplier Quality Management on Organizational Performance:
(Asian Society of Business and Commerce Research, 2016-09-01)Abstract Supplier quality management is one of the very many simple concepts that make a lot of sense to any well meaning organization. Unfortunately, implementing the concept is not very simple and over the years, companies ... -
Assessment of interest rates influence on deposit mobilization for selected saving credit co-operative societies in western
(IJRDO-Journal of Business Management, 2016-11-11)ABSTRACT From an institutional perspective, the primary motive for mobilizing savings lies in lower cost of capital compared to other sources of funds. In Western region, various cooperative societies have been registering ... -
Moderating effect of Firm Characteristics in the Financing Diversification – Performance nexus among Credit Unions in Kakamega County, Kenya
(I n t e r n a t i o n a l J o u r n a l o f M a n a g e m e n t a n d I n f o r m a t i o n T e c h n o l o g y, 2016-10-03)The last two decades has seen a lot of creativity and diversity in the funding strategies pursued by credit unions as a result of financial sector liberalization and competitive pressure in the financial system. Research ... -
Does Financing Diversification Matter?
(3-07)Financial sector liberalization in Kenya and the far world has created an enormous spectrum from which Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (Saccos) can raise finances from. This has coincided with a period of good ... -
Financial management practices and firm performance among micro and small enterprises in Busia town,Kenya
(International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations, 2016-10)Micro and Small Enterprises refer to those enterprises that employ less than 50 employees. Micro enterprises employ 0-9 employees, while small enterprises employ 10 – 49 employees and they account for 75 per cent of the ... -
Sectoral credit diversification, bank performance and monitoring effectiveness; a cross-country analysis of east African banking industries
(Journal of Finance and Investment Analysis, 2018-04-01)Traditionally, banking has been viewed as a pathway to reducing the frictions of transaction costs and information asymmetries. However, innovations in information technologies, deregulation, and financial deepening have ... -
Financial Innovation as a Competitive Strategy: The Kenyan Financial Sector
(Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, 2013-07)The world business environment is rapidly changing and becoming intensely competitive. In this context, most organizations are realizing that knowledge is the most important resource in creating sustainable competitive ... -
Financial Deepening And Economic Competitiveness In Kenya: The Strides To Being An Economic Power House
(2013-10)Economists have long held the view that financial deepening and economic development are closely intertwined. Kenya’s development blue print, Vision 2030, is anchored on this belief and aims to create a vibrant, globally ... -
Commercial Bank Diversification and Financial Performance: The Moderating Role of Risk
(Journal of Finance and Investment Analysis, 2016)Commercial banks in Kenya have posted good financial performance as indicated by ROA and ROE. This coincides with a period of enormous diversification occasioned by global financial sector liberalization, allowing banks ... -
Effect of Investors and Local Communities Corporate Social Responsibility Programmes on Performance of Style Industries Limited in Nairobi County
(Stratford Peer Reviewed Journals and Book Publishing, Journal of Entrepreneurship and Project Management, 2017-12)Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is about how a business entity gives back to its stakeholders in a sustainable and acceptable manner. It is therefore imperative that businesses run their operations within the precepts ... -
An assessment of the effects of financial inter mediation on business performance: a case study of women owned micro and small enterprises in Kisii municipality – Kenya
(Asian Journal of Business and Management Sciences, 2016)Women as micro and small entrepreneurs have increasingly become the key target group for financial intermediaries. Consequently providing access to financial and non-financial services is not only considered a precondition ... -
The efficacy of retirement plans and flexible scheduling in improving the quality of service delivery among civil servants in Nandi south Kenya
(Department of Management Science, School of Business and Economics, Moi University, 2013)Retirement plans and flexible scheduling guides most organizations and is part of most complaints of citizen’s due to poor service in government counties such complaints was reflected during the year 2002 Constitutional ... -
Management in Action: Managing the HIV/AIDS Curriculum in Kenya
(Scientific Research, 2014-07-02)Curriculum management can only be effective when the curriculum content and expected learning outcomes are clearly stated for the actual implementers. The implementers on their side especially the teachers and the school ... -
Knowledge sharing as a catalyst for enhanced performance in micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) in migori county, kenya
(European Centre for Research Training and Development UK, 2015-03)In the last decade the role of knowledge sharing in business organizations has been emphasized by practitioners, academics and entrepreneurs. Ironically, most of these studies have focused on large organizations, yet others ... -
Innovation in Banking Industry: Achieving Customer Satisfaction
(Open Journal of Business and Management, 2014-10)This paper examines the effects of technology in the banking industry. Based on an expansive review of literature, the paper describes various factors in this area. Technology has a direct effect on the functioning of the ... -
Managerial Competencies as an Antecedent to Customer Satisfaction in small and medium sized Entreprise (SMES) in Eldoret Municipality
(2014-06)Customer satisfaction has received much attention in the last two decades from both practitioners and researchers as one of the strategies firms can employ to remain competitive. Despite this attention, little empirical ... -
Digitizing Banking Services: An Empirical Analysis of Customer’s Adoption and Usage
(Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 2014)Internet and mobile technologies of recent years have gained momentum and are impacting the working of every process including financial services. Financial service providers including banks are turning their necks toward ... -
Effects of zero rating value added tax on government revenue in Namibia A partial equilibrium analysis
(African Journal of Economic and Management Studies ,Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2015-01-09)Purpose – The Government of Namibia has traditionally used fiscal (especially tax) policy as an instrument for annual budget formulation. Marginal tax rates for profits and various income brackets have been changed back ... -
October, 2010 Working Paper number 72 Ojijo Odhiambo United Nations Development Programme, Namibia John E. Odada Department of Economics, University of Namibia. Addressing the plight of poor households by zero-rating value added tax on basic commodities in Namibia
(International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC - IG), 2010-10)Difficult economic times began for Namibia in 2008 as real economic growth suddenly dropped to 4.3 per cent from the 5.5 per cent recorded in 2007. There were also wide fluctuations in ...